Meghalaya, nestled in the North Eastern region of India, boasts a unique cultural tapestry with a
predominantly rural landscape characterized by diverse tribal identities, primarily the Khasi, Garo,
and Jaintia tribes. The state's population of 29,66,889 (as per the 2011 Census), with 80% residing
in rural areas marked by challenging terrains and inadequate connectivity, heavily relies on
government healthcare facilities. The current healthcare system in the state is intricate, with a
predominant emphasis on curative rather than preventive care. However, recognizing the evolving
healthcare landscape, there is now a concerted effort to prioritize preventive measures alongside
promoting positive health outcomes.
One of the most pressing challenges facing Meghalaya's healthcare sector is the acute shortage of human resources. The doctor-to-population ratio significantly falls below the WHO standard, severely impacting the quality of healthcare services. With only a modest number of government doctors serving the populace, particularly in remote areas, the need for effective recruitment strategies becomes paramount to bridge this gap and ensure equitable access to healthcare services.
Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the Meghalaya Government took proactive steps to address the recruitment bottleneck by instituting the Meghalaya Medical Services Recruitment Board (MMSRB) via Notification No. Health.106/2014/Pt. II/11, dated: 28.11.2022, with the objective of expediting the recruitment process for various categories of staff in the Health & Family Welfare Department by way of direct recruitment.
The Meghalaya Medical Services Recruitment Board (MMSRB) started functioning immediately with its first meeting on the 29.11.2022 at 1:00 PM in the Office Chamber of the Principal Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya, Health & Family Welfare Department. The Board decided to make it a one-time exercise to check the viability/success of the Recruitment of the doctors.
By streamlining recruitment procedures, the MMSRB aims to meet the exigencies of service delivery while ensuring that the important and essential healthcare posts are filled promptly. The MMSRB swiftly commenced its operations, conducting its inaugural meeting and charting out a comprehensive plan for its first recruitment drive.
In pursuance of the Board Meeting held on the 29/11/2022, the Meghalaya Medical Services Recruitment
Board (MMSRB) floated an Advertisement for Recruitment of Medical & Health Officer/Junior Specialist
via Adv. No. Health.106/2014./Pt.II/14, dated: 2.12.2022, and Addendum No. Health.106/2014/Pt.IV/17,
dated: 8/12/2022.
Through a transparent selection process, including a Computer Based Test (CBT), the board
successfully recruited a significant number of doctors, marking a promising start to its endeavours.
A total of 579 applications were received for the recruitment process, out of which 532 were accepted. From this pool, 498 candidates appeared for the examination, while 9 candidates did not attend the verification of documents, and 2 were rejected due to non-fulfillment of eligibility criteria. Results were announced on the 23rd of December, 2022, determined based on the marks obtained in the CBT, the weightage applied as per the advertisement, and the application of the roster system as per the state guidelines. Out of the total 400 doctors recruited, 393 doctors joined of which 83 were junior specialists.
Building upon the success of its initial recruitment cycle, the Meghalaya Medical Services Recruitment Board (MMSRB) was established as a permanent body through Notification No. Health.106/2014/Pt.II/24, dated September 25th, 2023, along with subsequent Addendum and Corrigendum in Notifications No. Health.106/2014/Pt.II/26, dated October 26th, 2023, and No. Health.106/2014/Pt.II/26-A, dated October 26th, 2023. This transformation solidified its role as a pivotal institution in the state's healthcare recruitment landscape, signifying long-term commitment and sustainability in addressing human resource challenges in the sector.
The board embarked on a second round of recruitment for Junior Specialists, Medical & Health
Officers, Dental Surgeons, and a Medical Physicist cum Radiation Safety Officer. The advertisement
was disseminated online through the official website managed by the National Informatics Centre
(NIC), Shillong, and in local newspapers in English, Khasi, and Garo languages. The CBT examination
was scheduled for February 23rd, 2024.
Scrutiny of applications and uploaded documents commenced promptly, leading to the generation of a rejection list based on eligibility criteria. An online mock test was conducted to prepare candidates for the CBT examination. The CBT examination was held in two batches on February 23rd, 2024. The team, under the able leadership of Dr Joram Beda, IAS, Commissioner & Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya, Health and Family Welfare Department cum Chairperson MMSRB, was, for the first time ever, able to declare results on the same day. The merit list was generated by computing the CBT scores, the additional weightage captured from the online applications and application of the reservation roster. This was possible because of the excellent teamwork put in by all stakeholders. The list of successful candidates was published on various official platforms.
Physical document verification was conducted on February 4th and 5th, 2024. Out of 482 applicants, 405 candidates appeared for the examination, and 62 candidates attended document verification as per the declared list of successful candidates.
Looking ahead, the MMSRB remains steadfast in its commitment to enhancing healthcare service
delivery across all levels of the system. By proactively addressing challenges and leveraging best
practices, the board endeavours to contribute to Meghalaya's pursuit of Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) and elevate its performance in the NITI Aayog's Health Index. Through sustained efforts
and collaborative engagement, the MMSRB strives to foster a resilient and responsive healthcare
workforce, ensuring the well-being of Meghalaya's populace for generations to come.